Crickhowell choral society presents


A festival of music bursting with life!

2nd - 5th May 2025

Welcome to our musical celebration of fresh ideas and the soul's creative spark. Get ready for a parade of visionary pieces, showing composers at their most inspired. Our high-octane choral programme covers everything from the genius of J.S. Bach and the sublimity of Mozart to the intoxicating subtleties of Delalande, the infectious rhythms of Vivaldi, and the inexhaustible invention of Haydn.

All these works bring us surprising revelations and new perspectives: songs of birth and rebirth, the joy of Christmas and Easter and of creation itself.

Contact administrator Ticketshop terms

Music Festival 2025

Event Location: Clarence Hall and St Edmund's Church , Beaufort Street and Church Lane , Crickhowell , Powys , NP8 1BN
Ticket Type Price Date Quantity Total
Ticket TypeFri standard Price£15.50 Date Quantity
Total £0
Ticket TypeSat standard Price£20.50 Date Quantity
Total £0
Ticket TypeSun standard Price£20.50 Date Quantity
Total £0
Ticket TypeMon standard Price£15.50 Date Quantity
Total £0
Ticket TypeFri student / under 18 Price£0.00 Date Quantity
Total £0
Ticket TypeSat student / under 18 Price£0.00 Date Quantity
Total £0
Ticket TypeSun student / under 18 Price£0.00 Date Quantity
Total £0
Ticket TypeMon student / under 18 Price£0.00 Date Quantity
Total £0
Total   £0