Bikes for Refugees (Scotland) SCIO is a volunteer led charity that refurbishes donated bikes for refugees and asylum seekers (New Scots).

Bikes promote social inclusion and integration through empowering New Scots to connect with communities, essential services and people. In the past two years your bikes have supported over 350 New Scots to link with education, volunteering and employment opportunities. Bikes have supported people to access a wide range of community services including healthcare and psychological supports. Bikes also help to address lonlinees and isolation by connecting people and providing opportunities to meet new people and make new friends. 

We need funds to support the refurbishment, storage and distribution of bikes as well as providing New Scots with essential bike accessories such as new helmets, locks and lights.

Please bid high as we can't do what we do without your support.
This Auction is part of a weekend of fundraising activities planned for the 23rd & 24th June as part of the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling and the Scottish Refugee Festival
Please come and join us for our other great fundraisning activities in LifesCycle Edinburgh.